Slide3 Background

Program - Sessions

DAY 06

Plenary 3: Governance

Auditório Renato Araújo - 09h00-10h30


Comissão Organizadora do Encontro Ciência


Helena Vieira, Comissária e Mission Board Member Restore our Ocean and Waters


Luís Menezes Pinheiro, Comissão para a Década das Nações Unidas das Ciências do Oceano para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável

Mafalda Freitas, Diretora Regional do Mar Região Autónoma da Madeira

Spyros Kouvelis, Mission Board Member Restore our Ocean and Waters


Intervenção Final

Alexandre Quintanilha, Presidente da Comissão Parlamentar de Educação e Ciência

Opportunities and Challenges in Food Innovation

Anfiteatro 23.1.5 - 11h15-12h45


MORE, Colab4FOOD, GreenColab


The session dedicated to innovation in the food sector aims to discuss challenges and opportunities for a common global goal: safe and healthy food for 10 billion people by 2050!


Miguel Teixeira, Colab4Food


Teresa Carvalho

Tendenciaas e desafios do Sector Alimentar


Mesa Redonda

Simão Lima, Thunder Foods

João Monteiro, Celll4Food

Daniel Silva, GreenColab

José Francisco Silva, APOMA

Cátia Marques, S2AQUAColab

Ocean technology systems for science, industry and society

Anfiteatro 23.1.7 - 11h15-12h45


LARSyS AL e Instituto D. Luiz


here has been tremendous progress worldwide in the development of new technologies that are providing scientific and commercial end-users with advanced tools to explore the oceans at unprecedented temporal and spatial scales over long periods of time. We are on the threshold of a new era where sensor networks, information and communication technologies, advanced modelling tools and marine robots working in cooperation are progressively being brought together to effectively acquire a multitude of data on large ocean volumes and their boundaries with the seafloor and atmosphere. At the same time, the rapid availability of advanced technologies will undoubtedly play an important role in drawing the attention of society at large to extremely critical, timely and difficult issues related to the oceans, which include, among others, the study of living and non-living resources, marine biodiversity, climate and the environment. These technologies will greatly contribute to the emergence of much more engaged, caring and ocean-conserving communities through the appropriate use of the rapidly evolving technologies of robotics, information and communication, which hold considerable potential to help unlock the mysteries of the oceans and allow the common citizen virtual access to underwater regions otherwise inaccessible. It is in this context of ideas that in this session we propose to address a set of topics that can be seen as highlights of the R&D work carried out at LARSyS AL and the D. Luiz Institute, which mirror their multifaceted activities under the general theme of Scientific Knowledge, Technological Development and Blue Innovation.


Rachid Omira, IPMA e Instituto Dom Luiz


Luis Manuel Matias, Instituto Dom Luiz Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Using submarine cables for natural hazard mitigation and environment monitoring

António Pascoal, LARSyS ISR-IST Universidade de Lisboa

Cooperative Marine Robots for Scientific and Commercial Applications

Andreia Pereira, Instituto Dom Luiz Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Tracking large cetaceans with ocean-bottom recordings

Sérgio Jesus, LARSyS Universidade do Algarve

What is ocean noise ?

Carlos Corela, Instituto Dom Luiz Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Ocean-Bottom seismometers records

Ramiro Neves, LARSyS MARETEC-IST Universidade de Lisboa

Ocean Modeling and Digital Twins



José Maria Costa, Secretário de Estado do Mar

Blue biotechnology as an economic driver

Auditório Renato Araújo - 11h15-12h45


Fundação Oceano Azul


Decoupling raw materials from the exploitation of natural resources is key to ensuring a sustainable economic transition. Blue biotechnology is essential to meet this challenge, as it enables the creation of innovative solutions that can be competitive in the market, while being decarbonising, thus promoting ocean conservation through the use of marine bio-resources. The EU mission "Starfish 2030: Restore our Ocean and Waters" estimates that this market will be worth €200 billion by 2030

Session opening with the Ciência Viva projects students:

Frederico Mauritty Madalena Castro, Colégio Valsassina, HidroQapa


Ana Brazão, Gestora de Projeto Fundação Oceano Azul

Madalena Torres, Coordenadora Grupo de Trabalho da Biotecnologia Azul

Miguel Marques, Administrador Executivo INOVAMAR

João Rito, Diretor Executivo BlueBio Alliance

Ricardo Calado, Investigador do Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar (CESAM) e do Departamento de Biologia (DBio) da Universidade de Aveiro (UA)

Valuing Knowledge, Science and Technology

Sala de Atos Académicos - 11h15-12h45


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


This session will address issues related to technology and knowledge valorisation strategies, including their legal aspects. To this end, the round table will consist of speakers with extensive experience in technology transfer processes, valorisation of knowledge, registration and licensing of intellectual property.

Session opening with the Ciência Viva projects students:

Brenda Matos, Ivan Morais, rodeigo Sobral, Gonçaio Lin, Escola Sec Adolfo Portela, Águeda, OSIRIS - HORUS CanSat


António Bob Santos, Vogal do Conselho Diretivo da FCT



Mesa Redonda

Marta Marques, Coordenadora da UACOOPERA - Unidade Transversal para a Cooperação Universidade-Sociedade da Universidade de Aveiro

Soraya Gadit, CEO & Founder da Inocrowd

Ana Almeida Simões, Diretora de Inovação do Grupo Brisa

Márcia Martinho da Rosa, MMR Legal Services

Telmo Vilela, Instituto Europeu de Patentes EPO

The Ocean and Waters Mission: Today and the Future

Sala do Senado - 11h15-12h45




The European Union has reaffirmed its commitment to investing in ocean RD&I, announcing funding for several areas such as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), marine pollution, climate change, sustainable fisheries, sustainable blue economy and maritime security. This commitment is reflected in the Ocean Mission with 11 topics in competition until 20 September 2023.

Intervenção Inicial:

António Grilo, ANI (tbc)

Abertura das sessões ANI@Ciência2023


Mafalda Dourado, ANI

O Papel da ANI no Acompanhamento das Missões do Horizonte Europa

Helena Vieira, Mission Board Member

Apresentação Geral e Objetivos da Missão

Ana Sutcliffe, ANI

Participação Nacional: Ponto de Situação e Perspetivas para o Futuro


Mesa Redonda: Projetos e Atividades: O que podemos fazer para além da Missão?

Moderação: Maria João Fernandes, ANI

Conceição Santos, IPMA

Sandra Tavares da Silva, INTERREG Atlantic Area

Heliana Teixeira, A-AAGORA

Teresa Jorge, CCDR-Centro

Unlocking the full potential of blue economy

Anfiteatro 23.1.5 - 14h30-16h00




To achieve Europe's goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, the transition to a circular and carbon-neutral blue bioeconomy is crucial. Blue biotechnology is a key driver to replace fossil fuel-based value chains, increase circular food systems and reduce pollution, especially plastics and microplastics. Innovative technologies for chemical recycling are needed to tackle plastic and marine litter and contribute to the goals of the European Ecological Pact, the Circular Economy Action Plan, the Zero Pollution Ambition and the Sustainable Blue Economy. Moreover, blue innovation literacy among young people is essential to unlock the full potential of the blue economy for planetary sustainability and human well-being.

Session opening with the Ciência Viva projects students:

Frederico Mauritty Madalena Castro, Colégio Valsassina, HidroQapa


Luís Tarelho, CESAM Universidade de Aveiro

Turning ocean plastic pollution into energy carriers

Ana Maria Gomes, CBQF Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Aquatic resources to deliver new foods to promote human health

Ricardo Calado, CESAM Universidade de Aveiro

Merging blue and green food systems - let the turquoise revolution begin!

Paula Castro, CBQF Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Treating pollution loads in saline streams – challenges for biotechnology

Manuela Pintado, CBQF Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Valorising marine byproducts and resources towards new bioactives

João Pinto da Costa, CESAM Universidade de Aveiro

Solutions to the Microplastic Crisis at the Ocean


mesa redonda

Advanced in vitro models as screening platforms for Ocean-derived pharmaceuticals

Anfiteatro 23.1.7 - 14h30-16h00




This session aims to show the importance of advanced in vitro models, their incorporation in experimental studies and the resources to support their implementation. Likewise, we want to highlight the importance of sustainable alternatives in the identification of new compounds and drugs through careful exploration - a central point of the research developed in our L.A. It is also intended to show the translation of the science generated into concrete applications in the area of health, with close collaboration between academia and biotechnology companies, such as iBET and Sea4Us.

Session opening with the Ciência Viva projects students:

Ricardo Abrantes, Pedro Machado, Guilherme David, Colégio Valsassina, BLUEGEN


António Jacinto, NMS/LS4FUTURE

O LS4FUTURE e NOVA Institute for Medical Systems Biology (NIMSB)

Anna Olsson , I3S e 3R Knowledge Center (3RKC)

O i3S e 3R Knowledge Center (3RKC)

André Maia, i3S

Open-screen em organoides

Francisco Nascimento , iBET/LS4FUTURE

Algas como produtoras de produtos farmacêuticos

Pedro Lima, Sea4Us

Do fundo do mar à bancada

Science and Technology for Sustainable Ocean Exploration

Anfiteatro 23.1.6 - 14h30-16h00



Intervenção Inicial:

Aníbal Matos, Conselho de administração INESC TEC/FEUP


Ana Paula Lima, INESC TEC e Ana Paula Mucha CIIMAR/CIMAR LA

O papel do INESC TEC e do CIIMAR no combate às alterações climáticas e no conhecimento científico e tecnológico para a economia azul

Carlos Almeida , INESC TEC/ISEP e Catarina Magalhães CIIMAR/CIMAR LA

O caso de sucesso do projeto Connect2Oceans no combate às alterações climáticas




Eduardo Silva, NESC TEC/ISEP

Lançamento da Revista INESC TEC Ciência e Sociedade, edição nº 6 “Capacitar a economia azul através da inovação e da tecnologia

European Funding: Prospects for internationalisation of research and innovation in Portugal

Auditório Renato Araújo - 14h30-16h00




The session will focus on the evolution of Portuguese participation throughout the current European funding framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, and strategies that have contributed to the successful integration of people and institutions in international reference networks. We will also address issues related to the impact that European projects, and in consortia, had in terms of training and capacity building of human resources and the development of institutions and ecosystems of science, technology and innovation. Particular emphasis will be given to the competitive advantage of participating in European projects, especially in the collaboration between R&D institutions and companies, and its impact on national scientific and technological development.


Mafalda Dourado, ANI

Rui Munhá_ FCT


Mafalda Dourado, Agência Nacional de Inovação

Rui Munhá, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Elisabete Pires, Agência Nacional de Inovação


Partilha de experiências

Luis Almeida (Universidade de Coimbra

Benjamin Costas, CIIMAR

Paula Marques, Universidade de Aveiro TEMA

Discussion of the National Strategy for Semiconductors

Sala do Senado - 14h30-16h00




The session aims to bring together universities, research centres, companies and others in the first open discussion on the National Strategy for Semiconductors, where an active debate is expected about the guidelines and initiatives that will boost the sector in Portugal. It is intended that the session enhances the alignment between the Portuguese entities in the area, promoting future coordinated actions at national and European level. In addition to the general registration at the Science 2023 Event, please register at this event ( so that we can disseminate additional information.

Intervenção Inicial:

Elvira Fortunato, Ministra da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

Desafios para o ecossistema de semicondutores em Portugal


António Grilo, Presidente da Agência Nacional de Inovação


Mário Amaral, Representante Nacional na Parceria Europeia Key Digital Technologies Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia e Sofia Azevedo Delegada e NCP ao Cluster Indústria

European Chips Act - a estratégia Europeia para os semicondutores -

Diogo Vaz, Adjunto do Gabinete da Ministra da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

A estratégia nacional de semicondutores



Science Impact on Economy and Society Awards in Portugal

Sala de Atos Académicos - 15h30-17h00


Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos (GEE) do Ministério da Economia e do Mar e a Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.


The Office of Strategy and Studies (GEE) of the Ministry of the Economy and Sea and the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT) promote the presentation session of the 4 awarded articles within the 10th edition of the Calls for Papers on "Impact of Science on Economy and Society in Portugal: Investment, scientific employment and valorisation of knowledge".

Intervenção Inicial:

Joana Almodovar, Diretora do GEE

António Bob Santos, Vogal do Conselho Diretivo da FCT


Gabriel Osório de Barros, Diretor de Serviços de Análise Económica GEE


Inês Ferraz Teixeira, Aurora Teixeira e Luís Delfim Santos Universidade do Porto

R&D subsidies and Portuguese firms’ performance: A longitudinal firm-level study

Tânia Pinto e Aurora Teixeira, Universidade do Porto

Does scientific research output matter for Portugal’s economic growth?

Natália Barbosa e Ana Paula Faria, Universidade do Minho

Science and productivity in European firms: How do regional innovation modes matter?

Anna Bernard, Rahim Lila e Joana Silva Universidade Católica-Lisbon

Employment versus Efficiency: Which Firms should R&D Tax Credits Target?


Perguntas e Respostas



Elvira Fortunato, Ministra da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

António Costa Silva, Ministro da Economia e do Mar

Plenary 4: Economy of the sea

Auditório Renato Araújo - 16h30-18h00


Comissão Organizadora do Encontro Ciência


João Rito, BluebioAlliance


Rosa Chapela, CETMAR

Bruno Sommer Ferreira, A4F

António Campinos, Presidente do Instituto Europeu de Patentes


Intervenção Final

António Costa Silva, Ministro da Economia e do Mar


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Ciência Viva


Universidade de Aveiro


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior


Assembleia da Républica