Slide3 Background

Program - Sessions

DAY 07

Plenary 5: Cooperation

Auditório Renato Araújo - 09h00-10h30


Comissão Organizadora do Encontro Ciência


Maria João Bebianno, Universidade do Algarve


Sofia Cordeiro, AANChOR project

Estrela Matilde, Fundação Príncipe

Christos Arvanitidis, LIFEWATCH ERIC


Intervenção Final

João Ramalho Marreiros, Diretor Geral do Instituto Hidrográfico

Importance of Clinical Research in the context of scientific development

Anfiteatro 23.1.7 - 11h15-12h45




The session will include several presentations that from different perspectives will address the importance of clinical research in the national context of scientific research development and innovation, as well as the relevance of clinical research for the development of solutions to improve the levels of health and well-being of the Portuguese population.

Initial Intervention:

Fernando Schmitt , CINTESIS@RISE/FMUP

O valor da investigação clínica


Fernando Schmitt , CINTESIS@RISE/FMUP

Helena Canhão, CHRC/REAL/NMS


João Pedro Ferreira, UNIC@RISE/FMUP

Ensaios clínicos da iniciativa do investigador em Portugal

Lúcia Domingues, CHRC/REAL/NMS

O papel dos Centros Académicos Clínicos na investigação clínica

Inês Fronteira, CHRC/REAL/ENSP

Investigação clínica nas comunidades


O papel da ciência de dados na investigação clínica

Marcelo Urbano Ferreira, GHTM/REAL/IHMT/NMS

Investigação clínica e a aplicação à medicina de precisão

Carla Bartosh, CI-IPOP@RISE

A patologia como instrumento na investigação clínica



New technologies for environmental and ecological monitoring on a changing planet

Anfiteatro 23.1.5 - 11h15-12h45




The Aquatic Research Network (ARNET) is an Associate Laboratory working in the context of global change and anthropogenic pressures. With expertise in the biological and environmental sciences, it applies methodological approaches targeted at different aquatic systems. It is a multi-institutional network with a wide geographical distribution, composed of more than 700 researchers from three R&D units: MARE, CIMA and CBMA. The Research Network on Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology - InBIO is an Associate Laboratory resulting from a partnership between CIBIO and CEABN. It attempts to understand the processes that shape biological diversity and the principles governing the distribution of genotypic and phenotypic variation by integrating ecological, taxonomic and biogeographic knowledge at different scales. In addition to research, InBIO applies this knowledge in conservation strategies and management tools for national and international authorities. Their commitment to conservation ranges from education programmes in evolutionary biology and conservation, to initiatives that promote public awareness and appreciation of biodiversity. In this thematic session, researchers from across ARNET and InBio's R&D units will explore the key role of marine technology in monitoring and understanding the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems. At the end of the session it is expected that participants will feel informed about cutting-edge technologies, methodologies and low-cost applications that enable comprehensive environmental monitoring in the context of climate change.

Session opening with the Ciência Viva projects students:

Margarida Rosa, Beatriz Silva, Escola sec. de Ponte de Sor, CANSOR


Zara Teixeira, MARE-Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente ARNET – Rede de Investigação Aquática Universidade de Coim


Fernando P. Lima, Cátia Monteiro Rita da Silva Rocío A. Nieto-Vilela and Rui Seabra

CCTBON: Cutting-edge temperature and biodiversity monitoring in rocky shores across the entire Atlantic Ocean

Cátia Monteiro, CIBIO-InBIO Universidade do Porto

eDNA and autonomous temperature logging as tools to understand biotic interactions in a changing world

Filipe Costa, CBMA – Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental ARNET – Rede de Investigação Aquática Universidade do Minho

Usefulness and potential of (e)DNA (meta)barcoding in marine biodiversity monitoring and management

Flávio Martins, CIMA - Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental ARNET – Rede de Investigação Aquática Universidade do Algarve

New Technologies for Ocean Observation and Forecasting on the Algarve Coast

Lino Costa, Helena Adão Ana Brito Bernardo Quintella

CoastNet – Portuguese Coastal Monitoring Network: Connecting People to the Ocean

João Monteiro, MARE-Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente ARNET – Rede de Investigação Aquática Faculdade Ciências da Vida

Integrating manned and unmanned technology and innovation in marine science and exploration

High-level Roundtable on Attractive, Sustainable and Interoperable European Research Careers

Sala de Atos Académicos - 11h15-12h45


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


The first objective of this session is to discuss, in a holistic way, research careers in the framework of the future "European Framework for Research Careers", which will possibly be approved in the second half of 2023 by the Council of the EU. It also aims to articulate the possible challenges for national careers in their insertion in the European framework and the ongoing renewal of the European Research Area. Secondly, it is intended to pursue the political priority set by Portugal for its EU Council Presidency in 2021, embodied in the Conclusions of the Council of the European Union, approved on 28 May 2021, entitled "Deepening the European Research Area: providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality", whose operationalization occurs under "Action 4 - Promote attractive research careers, talent circulation and mobility" of the ERA Policy Agenda (2022-2024). Portugal is part of the governance of Action 4 and, in this context, organised in Lisbon, on 12 April 2023, the "National Workshop for Attractive and Sustainable R&D Careers" in collaboration with the NOVA University of Lisbon, which initiated this debate at a national level.

Initial Intervention:

Manuel Aleixo, Comissão Europeia DG Investigação e Inovação Chefe de Unidade

Spreading Excellence and Research Careers

Simon Roy, OCDE Analista Sénior de Políticas da Divisão de Educação e Competências

Developments in academic careers: evidence from OECD countries

Fernando Galindo-Rueda, OCDE Economista Sénior da Divisão de Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação


Luísa Henriques, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia




João Rocha, Presidente do Conselho dos Laboratórios Associados

José Manuel Mendonça, Presidente do Conselho Nacional de Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação

Francisco C. Santos, Vice-Presidente da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Orlando Rodrigues, Conselho Coordenador dos Institutos Superiores Politécnicos

Paulo Vaz, Conselho de Administração da Associação Empresarial de Portugal

Peter Jordan, Presidente do Forúm dos Conselhos Científicos dos Laboratórios de Estado

Eugénio Ferreira, Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas



Tiago Antunes, Secretário de Estado dos Assuntos Europeus

Ocean science and sustainable development: strategies for change

Auditório Renato Araújo - 11h15-12h45


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian


The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development aims to catalyse the science we need for the ocean we want. But what is the science we need for sustainable development? If we invest only in the natural sciences and technological innovation, we will not secure the step-change in people’s relationship to the ocean which is the underpinning goal of the Ocean Decade. To ensure lasting change in the management and protection of the ocean, we also need to invest in approaches informed by the latest social science and communication insights, connecting research and innovation to the policy and people that enable change. We need collaboration across disciplines and stakeholders – and ocean and climate solutions that are joined-up, putting benefits to people and nature at the heart of sustainable change. Over the last decade, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has supported pioneering collaboration, communication and science to policy and business innovation in the ocean sphere. Our new five-year Sustainability Programme focuses on effective engagement on climate and ocean action, building on the work we’ve been doing in Portugal, the UK and internationally. Join us for headlines from the new programme, critical insights from the marine social and communication science, and the latest update from our flagship ocean-climate project, the Gulbenkian Blue Carbon initiative, seeking to kickstart a voluntary blue carbon market in Portugal, with the need for science, policy, business and community connection at its core.


Louisa Hooper, Director Sustainability Programme Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Sofia Barbeiro, Coordinator Gulbenkian Blue Carbon initiative

Sophie Hulme, Director and Co-Founder Communications Inc

Dr Peter Richardson, Head of Ocean Recovery Marine Conservation Society

What future for a healthy ocean?

Anfiteatro 23.1.6 - 11h15-12h45


Ciência Viva


Humanity counts on the ocean. But can the ocean count on us?" (...) These words of Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, on World Ocean Day 2023, inspired this session in which we will discuss with young people how to train and empower the new generation for a future of Ocean sustainability. An informed and critical generation, capable of making decisions influencing political action for planetary benefit. What competences for the oceanic school? Debate with students, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians in which the protagonists are the young people, who will have to lead in the future.

Initial Intervention:

Rosalia Vargas, Presidente da Ciência Viva

Conversa com os estudantes/Debate with students, Ana Noronha Ciência Viva

Debate com a audiência /Reverse session


Escola Básica e Secundária João Garcia Bacelar, Tocha Cantanhede (Clube Ciência Viva)

Monitorização do litoral da Tocha/Monitorization of the Tocha coastline

Escola Profissional de Salvaterra de Magos

Protótipo para monitorização da qualidade da água dos rios. Vencedor do concurso Atlantic Junior 2022, Ciência Viva /FLAD./Prototype for water quality monitorization. Winner of Ciência Viva /FLAD Atlantic Junior Competition 2022.

Escola Básica e Secundária Anselmo de Andrade, Almada (Clube Ciência Viva e Escola Azul)

As nossas praias estão a desaparecer!/Our beaches are disappearing!

Colégio Valssassina

Protótipo de bóia para monitorização de parâmetros oceanográficos, concurso Atlantic Junior Ciência Viva/FLAD 2023./Prototype of floater for monitorization of oceanographic data, Ciência Viva/FLAD Atlantic Junior Competition 2023

Agrupamento de Escolas de Sampaio, Sesimbra (Clube Ciência Viva)

Protótipo de catamarã para o estudo da Lagoa de Albufeira, concurso Atlântico Júnior Ciência Viva /FLAD 2023./ Prototype of catamaran for the monitorization of water quality in the Albufeira Lagoon, Ciência Viva /FLAD Competition 2023.

Escola Secundária de Alcanena (Clube Ciência Viva)

Curtimento de cabedal com extratos de algas marinhas, premiado no concurso Atlantic Junior Ciência Viva /FLAD 2022. Sustainable leather tanning with algae extracts, award at Ciência Viva Atlantic Junior Competion 2022.

Convidados/Special guests:

•Adelino Canário, Diretor do CCMAR•Cláudia Faria, Instituto de Educação, Portugal •Elsa Henriques, Diretora da FLAD •Fernanda Silva e Bernardo Mata, DGPM - Direção Geral de Política do Mar, Escola Azul •Laura Guimarães, CIIMAR •Miguel Marques, consultor na área da Economia Azul •Natacha Moreira, Fundação Oceano Azul • Raquel Costa, EMEPC - Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental •Tiago Garcia, Colab+Atlantico •Zara Teixeira, MARE – Coimbra

Enhancing the knowledge life cycle - from the laboratory to the market, from Portugal to the World

Sala do Senado - 11h15-12h45




To address the RD&I cycle and the strategic issues that enhance capacity building and increase competitiveness in a more robust relationship between academia and companies, through the sharing of experiences and knowledge of different stakeholders


José Antão, ANI


Marlos Silva, Sonae B2E (Projeto Mobilizador ValorMar)

Pedro Pinheiro, A. Silva Matos

Paulo Antunes, PIEP

Juliana Brito Monteiro, FCT NOVA &

João Piedade, Marinha Portuguesa

Biotechnology and Blue Bioeconomy - strategies for ocean conservation and health promotion

Anfiteatro 23.1.6 - 14h30-16h00


Instituto para a Saúde e a Bioeconomia (i4HB) e Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMAR LA)


The associated laboratories i4HB and CIMAR LA will present cutting-edge multidisciplinary research that makes the global ocean a key player in the new "One Health" concept, through transformative approaches in blue biotechnology, bioeconomy and ecosystem services for the preservation of biodiversity and ecosystem health, a recognised requirement for human well-being. The parallel session proposed here benefits from the broad science and technology expertise enabled by the synergies between both associated laboratories. The objectives of this session are (i) to guide critical thinking towards scientific and environmental literacy, (ii) to deepen collaborations in RD&T projects and (iii) to disseminate advanced research, to a diverse audience, on four fundamental pillars of knowledge: (I) ecosystem functioning and conservation in a climate change scenario, (II) the ocean as a source of renewable energy, bioactive molecules, biocatalysts and biomaterials for a range of applications, from novel therapeutics to sustainable aquaculture, (III) clean technologies to detect and mitigate pollution and valorise waste, and (IV) the roadmap to a less carbon-dependent economy. The session will combine different modes of communication in an integrative manner.


Adelino Canário, CIMAR LA

Rodrigo Costa, i4HB


Ana Paula Mucha, CIIMAR – Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental

Biorremediação - ferramentas biotecnológicas ao serviço da saúde dos ecossistemas marinhos

Pedro M. Costa, UCIBIO - Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas

Do biota à saúde humana: Novas perspetivas para a ecotoxicologia marinha

Maria Teresa Cesário, iBB – Instituto de Bioengenharia e Biociências

Valorização da alga verde Ulva rigida a plásticos biodegradáveis, ácido glucónico e ingredientes funcionais

João Varela, CCMAR – Centro de Ciências do Mar

Biotecnologia Marinha: Recursos e Estratégias para melhorar a Saúde Humana, a Saúde Animal e a Saúde dos Ecossistemas Marinhos


Mesa Redonda

Discussão e Q&A com os oradores

Debate: A investigação multidisciplinar na promoção da saúde humana e ecossistémica

Sustainability and Food security: Present and future challenges

Anfiteatro 23.1.5 - 14h30-16h00


CICECO – Instituto de Materiais de Aveiro, LA para a Química Verde - Tecnologias e Processos Limpos, Laboratório para a Investigação Integrativa e translacional em Saúde Populacional e Laboratório para a Sustentabilidade do Uso da Terra e dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas


This session includes 4 lectures by speakers from different associated entities that will address pressing issues regarding sustainability and food safety.


Carla Lopes , Laboratório para a Investigação Integrativa e Translacional em Saúde Populacional

(In)segurança Alimentar: Desafios de alimentar a população de forma saudável e sustentável

Sara Cunha, LAQV - Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde

Contaminantes químicos em pescado

Idalina Gonçalves, CICECO – Instituto de Materiais de Aveiro

Transformação de subprodutos agroalimentares em bioplásticos funcionais: uma abordagem circular para a sustentabilidade

Anabela Raymundo, Laboratório para a Sustentabilidade do Uso da Terra e dos Serviços dos Ecossistemas

Microalgas como ingrediente alimentar saudável e sustentável: perspetivas futuras

The Water-Energy Nexus at the heart of environment sustainability

Anfiteatro 23.1.7 - 14h30-16h00




The session seeks to make known the various points of contact between the two CoLABs, with regard to their strategic lines, as well as exploring other common ground and synergies that can also benefit the strategic vision that other CoLABs and associative laboratories may develop in their activities related to the Water-Energy Nexus. This session seeks to perspective and debate the importance of promoting a digital and environmental transition of the infrastructures and critical supply chains of the sectors involved, in order to strategically increase their resilience, sustainability and adaptability to face modern times, where challenges related to scarcity and climate change become increasingly evident. The session will be roundtable with 1 moderator and 2 speakers from each CoLAB.


João Moutinho, Built CoLAB


Poças Martins, Built CoLAB

Marco Pedroso, Built CoLAB

Carlos Oliveira , Water Co-Re CoLAB

Jaime Gabriel Silva, Water Co-Re CoLAB

National Network of Advanced Computing (RNCA)

Sala de Atos Académicos - 14h30-16h00


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


In this session, a balance of the activities developed in the last year in the RNCA and in the EuroHPC will be made, as well as perspectives for the near future, namely with the entry into operation of the Deucalion supercomputer.


João Nuno Ferreira, João Pagaime Susana Caetano Catarina Guerreiro

Atualização da Rede Nacional de Computação Avançada: Concursos de acesso, Inquérito Nacional, 1º MOOC Computação Avançada


Centros operacionais

João Barbosa

Supercomputador Deucalion

Jorge Gomes







Centro de competências da Univ. Aveiro



Mário Amaral, Fundação para a ciência e a tecnologia

Oportunidades EuroHPC

Oceans: A Sea of Opportunities for Health

Auditório Renato Araújo - 14h30-16h00




The session 'Oceans: A Sea of Opportunities for Health' aims to explore the potential of the oceans and their direct impact on human health. In this session, we will dive into the depths of the oceans to better understand their influence on our physical and mental well-being. Oceans play a crucial role in global health, providing food, medicinal and therapeutic resources, as well as offering recreational opportunities and inspiration for our minds. During this session, we will explore the scientific discoveries and emerging innovations that allow us to make the most of this important natural resource, with the aim of promoting a healthier and more sustainable life for all.

Initial Intervention:

Catarina Resende, Presidente AICIB


Sónia Cruz, Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar

Os segredos da biodiversidade marinha: uma lição sobre lesmas do mar fotossintéticas


Ralph Urbatzka, Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental

Exploração da biodiversidade marinha para doenças humanas

Óscar Camacho, Unidade Local de Saúde de Matosinhos

Medicina subaquática

Ana Rita Ribeiro, Blue BioEconomy CoLab

O Oceano, a Inovação e a Criação de Valor no sector da saúde


Mesa Redonda. Sónia Cruz, Ralph Urbatzka, Óscar Camacho, Ana Rita Ribeiro

Moderação: Nuno Sousa

The role of the RRP in supporting the R&I ecosystem: Mission Interface

Sala do Senado - 14h30-16h00




To discuss how CTIs and CoLABs can have more impact on knowledge valorisation and technology transfer through core funding, leveraging other forms of funding that allow these interface institutions to enhance the impact of their activities.


Sofia Couto, ANI

Rede CoLAB: em direção a um financiamento sustentável


Mesa Redonda

Moderação: Sofia Couto, ANI

Jorge Brandão, SeaPower

Luís Costa, VG CoLAB

Ana Brito e Melo, WavEC

Joana Maria, Vortex CoLAB

Plenary 6: Food

Auditório Renato Araújo - 16h30-18h00


Comissão Organizadora do Encontro Ciência


Miguel Miranda, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa


Lourenzo Patrana, Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Octavi Quintana Trias, PRIMA

Cristina Pita, Universidade de Aveiro


Intervenção Final

Maria do Céu Antunes, Ministra da Agricultura e Alimentação


Entrega dos prémios Arquivo.PT


Elvira Fortunato, Ministra da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Presidente da República


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Ciência Viva


Universidade de Aveiro


Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior


Assembleia da Républica